SEPTEMBER: ’tis the Season to EAT…

Welcome Autumn! The burning heat is now behind us and new colours are beginning to creep in. Vivid greens and yellows are now beginning to turn orange and red as the sun’s angle shifts and weakens in intensity. It’s time to prepare and stock up for the cooler months ahead. Here’s a few ideas.

Cooking Pot the iPhone App provides a myraid of Healthy and Wholesome home style cooking ideas with Quick and Easy to follow recipes. The App provides an interactive and Easy to use Shopping List to Help you make that Fantastic Feast!! Download Cooking Pot the iPhone App here:

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What’s good to freeze? What’s good to pickle? Most importantly what’s in Season? Let’s take a look at September and the Harvest it brings.

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Eggplant Parmigana Stack - recipe found on Cooking Pot the iPhone App

Eggplant Parmigana Stack – recipe found on Cooking Pot the iPhone App

September may mark the return of Autumn and some harvests slowing down but it’s also loaded with fresh Autumn and late Summer produce.


Beans, Beetroot, Bok Choy, Carrots, Avocado, Chard, Cilantro, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Fennel, Lettuce, Peas, Peppers, Radishes, Turnips, Squash, Tomatoes


Lemons, Raspberries, Strawberries

There are so many wonderful meals to make from this harvest. There is also a lot of canning and pickling to save produce for the winter months ahead. Cooking pot the iPhone App has wonderful recipes for cold and warm Salads just looking at the tomatoes, beetroot, turnips and squash. YUM! Vegetarian or Vegan Ratatouille and Eggplant Parmigana Stack come to mind as does Kimchee of all sorts. If you’ve ever made our Double-decker Pizza you’ll know what I’m on about and don’t forget the sliced avocado on top!

If you like the sounds of those download Cooking Pot the iPhone App here:

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How do I ever go back!! In-fact I think my taste-buds have had too much of the “Good Stuff” and I begin to feel the difference when I go out. Unless of course I’m fortunate enough to Enjoy Organic!!

OK let’s quickly look at Pickling, Fermenting and Canning. I think these topics deserve a lot more. In the next few posts I will endeavour to give them some justice. This month however there are heaps of cucumbers in season ready to pickle. When we look at fermenting, fruit are the way to go to give beautiful flavour to Kombucha, Mulled Wine or Mead. This September Strawberries and Raspberries make wonderful jams and spreads where the their wonderful flavours are locked in to last.

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LASAGNE: The Quick and Easy Cousin!!

I have watched and tasted Traditional Lasagne that is cooked All day. It’s true! It’s Delicious but do we have the time in today’s modern culture to cook all day? Do we cook for 20 or 30 or 40 people who just happen to be all satisfied with the same meal? It’s hard to find places where this still happens in today’s modern and fast paced world. 

Let’s have a go at a far Easier and Quicker Cousin to the traditional. For more Home-Style recipes like this which are Quick and Easy, Wholesome and simply Delicious download Cooking Pot the iPhone App here:

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Beef Lasagne - Cooking Pot's Quick and Easy Cousin

Beef Lasagne – Cooking Pot’s Quick and Easy Cousin

OK this recipe does take longer than 30 minutes but this is also an opportunity to cook more!! Refrigerate or Freeze for later as a Main Meal or divide into Lunch portions when needed. When you feel like Lasagne simply reheat, add a salad and Who-La!!

All those busy days can now be stress-free and you’ll find more pennies in your pocket as an added bonus! Please use Organic or home grown ingredients whenever possible.


Beef Lasagne


500g minced beef

1 onion, chopped

oil for cooking

375g lasagna sheets

600ml thickened cream

1 cup cheddar cheese, grated

herb finely chopped ie rosemary, oregano

salt and black pepper to taste

½ – 1 tsp ground nutmeg

550g jar favourite pasta sauce


2 tins diced tomato or 10 fresh

1 carrot, finely diced

1 large potato, finely diced

½ capsicum, finely diced

3 cloves garlic

1/3 cup tomato sauce

¼ cup sweet chilli sauce


Notes: Use extra parmezan cheese for garnishing if desired and add as many chopped veggies as you like into the beef mix. Garnish with Freshly sliced tomato.;

Download Cooking Pot the iPhone App for an instant Shopping List:



  1. In a fry pan cook the onion and mince.
  2. Reduce heat and add pasta sauce and seasoning. If making your own sauce place ingredients in separate saucepan with oil and cook until soft.
  3. Place cream in a saucepan and stir with cheese salt and pepper and nutmeg. Stir and reduce a little.
  4. Place a tiny bit of meat sauce and spread in a baking tray to prevent the pasta sheets from sticking. Layer pasta sheets, meat and sauce. Sprinkle with extra cheese and herbs and bake in a moderate oven for 45 minutes or until done.

This is one recipe where I add heaps of veggies and make as much as will fit in my oven. One is always frozen and one is left in the fridge for a quick lunch. After all that lasagne I have a 2-3 month break but having said that let’s ‘step out of the box’, there are some great variations that don’t necessarily contain meat or tomato!

For more yummy recipes just like this one get Cooking Pot the iPhone App here:

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YUMMY!! Raw Lemon Slice

Variations are abundant so come unstuck and let your Creativity Flow. The Beauty of Raw Cooking is in it’s simplicity and ability to change. Watch this simply Raw Lemon Slice recipe ripen with your mood. Dairy, Gluten and Sugar FREE! ENJOY!!

Raw Lemon Slice - Get Cooking Pot the iPhone App NOW!!

Raw Lemon Slice – Get Cooking Pot the iPhone App NOW!!



2 cups cashews

1 cup dates

1 tbsp coconut oil

½ salt


½ cup coconut oil

½ cup lemon juice

½ tsp turmeric

2 tbsp maple syrup (optional)

Download Cooking Pot the iPhone App to make Shopping a breeze!


  1. In a food processor, process all Base ingredients: nuts, dates, oil and salt until you have a slightly sticky consistency. Press into a baking tray.
  2. In a bowl hand beat all topping ingredients. Make sure the coconut oil is melted. Pour on top of the nut mixture in the tray, sprinkle with coconut if desired and refrigerate immediately.
  3. Let set at least 40 minutes. Slice and serve cold straight from the fridge.

Variations: For the base you may prefer almonds, walnuts, coconut, macadamia or a mixture. Dates can be substituted with sultanas, apricots or another sweet dried fruit of choice. You might like to add 1 tsp of ginger in the base to spice things up!

For the Topping adding lemon zest would make the slice more tart. Combining lemon with orange would sweeten it. Stevia can also be added to further sweeten the topping. The imagination can fly free here. It’s up to You!

The BEST thing about this recipe is that it takes under 10 minutes to make and will be ready for dessert after any main meal.

Cooking Pot the iPhone App has many more recipes like this one. This handy little App lets You enjoy food that is Healthy, Wholesome and so, So Delicious. You’ll think twice about denying yourself that odd dessert with recipes like This!!

Download here:

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Love IT or Lump IT … Let’s Talk Garlic

Why do some people simply Love Garlic while others Avoid it? Let’s at least discuss it and see what we might be missing out On or Not!! I’ve always wanted to talk about garlic because I simply adore the herb. It’s smell and flavour so distinct, welcoming and familiar, but I will at times leave it out of my cooking not to over-power other herbs and spices. Check out some of the Healthy, Easy to Follow Recipes on Cooking Pot the iPhone App.

Garlic is an intensely powerful herb and has been used in many Folk Remedies the world over for centuries. It originated in parts of Asia in ancient times of the Neolithic period for use in Food, Flavouring and Medicine. Its spread continued to Egypt, India and the Middle East and its medicinal properties were first recorded in the Sanskrit medicinal treatise, the Charaka Samhita (2nd century BC).

I’d like to explore and share a simple family cold and flu remedy that has been passed down to me. It works for us so it might work for you too.

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Chicken Cacciatore - Extra GARLIC

Chicken Cacciatore – Extra GARLIC

Garlic’s medicinal properties have also been described by Buddhists and used in Ayurvedic medicine. It’s odour however was considered offensive in upper-class Indian society and its stimulant properties undesirable among Buddhists. This now however has changed and garlic, onion and ginger feature highly in Indian cooking. Cooking Pot the iPhone App’s database has some delicious Vegan, Vegetarian and Meat Curries. Download it Now:

  • antiseptic – heals wounds fast
  • anti-inflammatory / anti-biotic – fights colds and flus
  • relieves respiratory problems / decongestant
  • minimises cancer
  • blood thinning – aids blood pressure issues
  • stimulates immune system
  • digestive cleanser – parasites, flatulence etc

Garlic may not be in odour to some but it does help with many ails on the flip-side. The old folk tradition of hanging garlic on door knobs or within the home to ward off illness may have had something in it. Some Natural Practitioners recommend 4 cloves a day!!

Cooking Pot’s Cold and Flu Remedy (Use Raw and Organic Ingredients)

When coming down with a flu, I warm some milk, crush 2 cloves of garlic into it, add 1-2 tablespoons of butter (stir until it melts), add 2 teaspoons of Honey, stir and sprinkle with cinnamon. Drink it down. Don’t let it sit. Make sure the garlic is chewed and goes down with the butter. The butter is there so you don’t get a sore tummy from all that fresh garlic.

In the meantime to get all the garlic you need, get those curries cooking!! For some Healthy, Nutritious Food Ideas where the Recipes are Quick and Easy to Follow download Cooking Pot the iPhone App here: information:

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July: tis the Season to EAT…

Winter is well upon us in the South bringing with it cool weather harvests. From fresh and crisp greens and root veggies to sweet and juicy fruit. Make the most of fresh Winter Produce and reap the benefits of a Healthy, Wholesome and Nutritious harvest. Remember to eat what’s in season. It keeps more money in your pocket and provides you with healthier and better tasting food.

Invite Cooking Pot the iPhone App to your table for some Healthy, Nutritious and Delicious food ideas where the recipes are Quick to make, Easy to follow and Delicious to taste. Just search by ingredient and buy that box of tomatoes, capsicum or potatoes instead of a couple and Cook Out then Freeze!

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So let’s take a look at what’s in season in the Southern Hemisphere this July.



Beet, Broccolini, Onions, Cabbage, Carrots, Leek, Spinach, Pumpkin, Parsnips, Silverbeet, Potatoes, Asian Greens, Onions, Garlic, Celery


Avocado, Custard Apple, Limes, Lemons, Mandarins, Apples, Oranges, Rhubarb, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Nashi, Kiwifruit

Wow!! What an amazing harvest! There is just so much to Cook! Where to start?

Hmm … I can definitely taste a whole heap of cassarole and baked dishes with all the root vegetables available. Try Cooking Pot’s Lemon Potatoes or Vegetarian Lasagne, and, You will never go wrong with a Potato-crusted, Spinach and 3 Cheese Pie!

This is definitely the time to start baking! Bake and freeze for later! Sometimes I find that 1 nights’ cooking is enough for 3 dinners or lunches. Casseroles, pies, bakes can be refridgerated for the following night or frozen and so many Vegetarian, Vegan and Meat variations to choose from. Just choose your preference when searching for a recipe on the App. Chicken and Leek Quiches come to mind.

Taste the difference of your food when the fresh produce you use is in season and better still Organic and the only thing that tops that is Home-grown! I’m salivating already and we haven’t even scratched the surface of the recipes available on Cooking Pot the iPhone App!! Get it here to find more recipes like these, a Shopping List on the Go and if you see that capsicum on special don’t be afraid to buy the box because you can take a look at the recipes available to cook, before you plunge in!! :

Ok! Let’s take a peek at the fruit before this article gets too long. Hmm… I can taste a whole lot of different crumbles with all the Apples and Rhubarb. Don’t worry about the wheat and sugar when you can substitute oats and a bit of honey or maple syrup and end up with a healthier crumble. On the other hand The Upside-Down Mandarin Round is one of my favourites! The lemons are another ingredient which stand out and make yummy Lemon Butter or salad dressing and the Avocados make a divine Raw Chocolate Cake.

The winter harvest is so plentiful and delicious. Cooking Pot the iPhone App can be downloaded here: and for more information click here: .

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have writing it. READ us. LIKE us. SHARE us. TWEET us.



A Treat for One and Many! … ENJOY

End of school, kindergarten and pre-school festivities had brought with them the need to bake and make and take. It’s been a whole week of Sausage Rolls! Very nice ones too! On a cold winters day (week) Sausage Rolls provide the perfect treat for one and MANY!

I’m not sure how many different varieties of sausages rolls I made but these ones I made twice and they were winners both times too. Vegetarian Sausage Rolls are Healthy, Nutritious and very satisfying. All I know is that my platter came back EMPTY in a matter of minutes!! This recipe will soon be added to Cooking Pot the iPhone App’s database. In the meantime there is heaps more just like it – Healthy, Wholesome, Easy to make and Delicious Recipes on Cooking Pot the iPhone App. If you’d like to learn more Download Cooking Pot here:

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Vegetarian Sausage Rolls - always a crowd pleaser

Vegetarian Sausage Rolls – always a crowd pleaser

Here is the crowd pleaser: Cooking Pot’s Vegetarian Sausage Rolls. A winner for every occasion that puts a smile on everybody’s face!

Vegetarian Sausage Rolls


2 cups cooked rice

400g tin lentils

1 cup grated cheese

¼ cup tomato sauce

2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce

10 sprigs thyme or another herb of choice

1 onion, diced

1 large zucchini, grated

1 large carrot, grated

1 egg

1 ½ – 2 cups breadcrumbs

5 sheets puff pastry (separated, defrosted and cut in half)


Need some help with your Shopping List? Cooking Pot the iPhone App provides one for you. Download it here:


1. Mix first 6 ingredients well. Pull the leaves off the sprigs and discard.

2. In a frying pan fry the onion until lightly browned in some oil.

3. Mix the remaining ingredients with the rice mixture until sticky.

4. Cut pastry in half and wet the edges with water. Scoop mixture onto the pastry to form a sausage along the middle. Fold pastry over to form a roll.

5. Bake at 210 deg. C for 25 minutes or until the pastry is puffed and golden.

These are best enjoyed Hot with Tomato Ketchup or any sauce of your choice or just as they are! 🙂 If you’d like to make them in advance and freeze do so but don’t bake them until you want them. They can be eaten at any time of day and the kids won’t even know it’s good for them!

Download here: More Info:

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you’ve enjoyed as much as I have writing it. READ us. LIKE us. SHARE us. TWEET us.



Cooking Pot the iPhone App Reaches More Home-Cooks!!

Finally an App that helps you cook quick, nutritious meals and helps save you money at the same time. Cooking Pot the iPhone App is sizzling with just released Upgrade 1.2. and going Global!!

Cooking Pot is now being used in 6 different countries and spreading!! Now that the word on amazingly healthy, wholesome, delicious and easy to prepare food with Cooking Pot the iPhone App is out. Cooking Pot the iPhone App projects more reach with it’s message that Health, Nutrition and Sustainability is easily achieved with great home-cooked food.


Tandoori Chicken with Pomegranate - Delicious

Tandoori Chicken with Pomegranate – Delicious

It’s as easy as Pick, Shop, Cook and Cooking Out instead of Throwing Out” has worked its magic! This simple functionality chooses recipes by ingredient to empty fridges and pantries, shop on the go with a full featured Shipping List and buy what’s on ‘special’. The new release has added new features one of which enables Facebook users to share their cooking with friends via an instant, real-time link.

All recipes are meal type and dietary categorised. This takes the headache out of cooking when intolerances or allergies are part of everyday life and replaces it with easy, nutritious, real food. You only need to set your dietary preferences once and let Cooking Pot provide you the meal ideas YOU want. This handy little feature makes BIG news with users when allergy and intolerances are at epidemic highs and increasing.

Now, Cooking Pot lets you share your amazingly healthy, wholesome and delicious creations with friends and the word is spreading. It’s still as easy as Pick, Shop, Cook but now, Cooking Pot is a whole lot more Fun and others are catching on!

Cooking Pot the iPhone App is $2.99 and just so handy and affordable. Your well-being and taste-buds will thank you for it!

Visit the website for more info

Download it here


JUNE: tis the Season to EAT…

It’s definitely winter south of the equator NOW!! It’s time to rug up and find something piping hot to eat. It’s time for all those comfort foods we like but not in the way you may think. Comfort foods can be made Healthy too and Cooking Pot the iPhone App can help with many Healthy, Wholesome and Sustainable recipes that Tantilise taste buds too!

Let’s take a look at what’s in season and equally what will save you pennies. Then we’ll take a quick peek at what we can cook. Recipes are found on Cooking Pot the iPhone App that are not only good for you but Quick and Easy too.

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Egg Curry

Egg Curry

June is the Season to buy:


Lemons, Oranges, Manderins, Grapefruit, Kiwifruit, Bananas, Apples


Beanshoots, Brussel Sprouts, Carrots, Leeks, Potatoes, Mushrooms, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Fennel, Silverbeet, Spinach, Rhubarb, Asian Vegetables, Parsley

Gosh! Winter is looking a bit bleak but we do what we can with what we have. Just from the ingredients above I see a Potato and Leek Soup. Chicken and Leek Pies, Potato-crusted Three Cheese Pie, Lentil and Carrot Soup and a huge salad with Spinach, Fennel and Asian Greens. A Mandarin Round or Apple and Rhubarb pie for dessert.

Laksa and numerous Asian stir-fries come to mind next, Raw Carrot Soup and warm Banana Bread. These recipes and more like these are available on Cooking Pot the iPhone App. Our Interactive Shopping List feature makes shopping even easier with the touch of your phone. Download it here:

Citrus fruits, in particular Lemons are a must for a healthy morning detox and alkalising drink. Try a thick slice with warm water and a tablespoon of coconut oil. Parsley, Spinach and Silverbeet are loaded with iron and other vitamins and minerals and for this reason should be consumed raw as often as possible. Try our Warm Baked Vegetable Salad and get those raw green veggies into you! Winter is a great time to get healthy and stay healthy by eating what’s in season.

Don’t forget to visit your local farmers’ market or better still grow your own and get the freshest produce to make your home-cooked meals Delicious!!

Download Cooking Pot the iPhone App here: information:

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MAY: Tis the Season to Cook…

DipsIn the Northern Hemisphere May is the last month of Spring. It’s definitely warming up now. The sun is getting hotter and it’s getting higher and high in the sky. There is plenty of bright spring flowers and new growth everywhere and the colour spectrum is fresh and bright. The Home-Cooking palette turns to spicier and cooler food and drink.

 Fresh May Produce:

Fruit: apricot, avocado, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, gooseberry, grapefruit, lemon, lime, mandarin, mango, nectarine, peaches, plum, pineapple, rhubarb, strawberry

Veggies: arugula,Asparagus, carrots, chard, fava beans, fennel, lettuce, mushrooms, new potatoes, parsnips, peas, radish, spinach, spring greens, sorrel

Herbs: chives, dill, mint, mustard greens, parsley, sage, thyme, watercress
Wow There’s so many to choose from! What to cook? This is where Cooking Pot the iPhone app proves helpful giving you lots and lots of wholesome meal ideas that are Healthy, Sustainable and downright Delicious. Cooking Pot’s Shopping List makes food shopping a Pleasure and loads of Fun too!

This is definitely the time of year to start dusting off all your salad bowls and fruit platters and looking forward to eating alfresco or drinks with friends around a grill or BBQ. It’s late Spring and it’s definitely lime to get outdoors. This is also the time of year many of us seek to get healthy, maybe loose some weight and have loads of Fun doing it! Stick to foods which are packed full of essential nutrients, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals minus the sugar. Staying trim and healthy is easy – Do some exercise everyday and eat what you can cook at home from scratch and you’re almost there. The idea is to eat the most nutritious food at that time of year and the most nutritious is what’s in season! What’s in season is also the cheapest! So have a good look at the list above and cook some amazing curries, salads and anything that fills your space with the most delightful aroma…

Cooking Pot the iPhone App has some great Quick and Easy recipes to help, most of which can be stored in the fridge or frozen to re-heat or remake later. The pies are just favourites of mine, gluten-free and vegetarian to boot. The vegan curries are just to die for. There are heaps of salads and RAW food recipes to satisfy any palette. Whatever it may be you might find it on Cooking Pot the iPhone App. There is such a great variety of recipes to choose from! All recipes are categorised to help manage allergies, intolerances or simply a lifestyle choice by filtering undesirable meals. There’s recipes for everyone!!

Spring is the time to dich all those comfort hot cooked meals and bring out the fresh raw vegetables and fruit. It’s important to eat raw fruit and vegetables everyday to dish them up as veggie sticks and dips, salads and fruit platters. Try our Raw Zucchini Fettuccine!! It is advisable to eat fruit separately and in the morning so a fruit morning tea might be the way to go.

Thank you so much for reading!! Like us. Share us. Tweet us if you want. You never know who might like us too! Don’t forget to tell us what your favourite food is this May!!

Download Cooking Pot iPhone App here:

Cooking Pot the iPhone App Unites Cooking with Friends!!

Finally an App that helps you cook quick, nutritious meals and helps save you money at the same time. Cooking Pot the iPhone App is sizzling with just released Upgrade 1.2. This release enables Facebook users to share their cooking with friends using an instant, real-time link.

iOS Simulator Screen shot 15.12.2012 6.04.20 PM (1)“It’s as easy as Pick, Shop, Cook and Cooking Out instead of Throwing Out” has worked its magic!This simple functionality chooses recipes by ingredient to empty fridges and pantries, shop on the go with a full featured Shipping List and buy what’s on ‘special’.

All recipes are meal type and dietary categorised. For example you might be looking for a breakfast idea or perhaps you might have a gluten intolerance or allergy. All recipes are categorised to take the headache out of cooking and replace it with easy, nutritious, real food. You only need to set your dietary preferences once and let Cooking Pot provide you the meal ideas YOU want. This handy little feature makes BIG news with users when allergy and intolerances are at epidemic highs and increasing.

Now, Cooking Pot lets you share your amazingly healthy, wholesome and delicious creations with friends with just a single tap on your iPhone! You never know how many of your friends will simply love your cooking inspirations. It’s still as easy as Pick, Shop, Cook but now, Cooking Pot is a whole lot more Fun too!

Cooking Pot the iPhone App is $2.99 and just so handy and affordable. Your hip-pocket, well-being and your taste-buds will thank you for it!

Visit the website for more info

Download it here